María Lamuedra Graván (English)


María Lamuedra Graván is a Lecturer in the area of Theories of Journalism in the Department of Journalism I at University of Seville. She obtained her PhD in Journalism in Glasgow Caledonian University (UK). Her main research area nowadays is Public Service Media Journalism. She is interested in the interactions and influences that this kind of journalism has on the media, political and social ecosystem on a grand scale, and at the same time in the way it shapes habits, routines and discourses on journalists and viewers. In this area she has taken part in three R+D projects . Currently she leads, at the side of Manuel Ángel Vázquez Medel the R+D project (2013-2016): Relationship dynamics in the face of social change: contexts, content, producers, audiences, and produsers on the TVE and YLE news networks: a comparative study in a context of upheaval in regards to the Welfare State and citizen participation”.


Selected publications

Elisa Alonso, Manuel Angel Broullón-Lozano , María Lamuedra-Graván (2016): Análisis empírico de las dinámicas de remediación entre televisión e internet en España: discursos de receptores. Revista Latina de Comunicación Social, 71, pp. 160 a 196.
DOI: 10.4185/RLCS-2016-1090

García-de Madariaga, José; Lamuedra Gravan, María; Tucho-Fernández, Fernando (2014) “Spanish public service television news programmes and European PSB challenges: professionals and viewers: discourses wavering between institutional reform and counter-reform” . Journalism. Theory Practice and Criticism. 15: 908-925.

Lamuedra Gravan, María; O’Donnell, Hugh (2013) Terms of engagement: EastEnders, public service and cultural citizenship. European Journal of Cultural Studies. 16: 58-76.

Lamuedra Graván, María (2013) “Journalism as a window, or as the arena of a deliberative public sphere?in Klaus ZillesEva ComasJoan Cuenca. Life witrhout media. Peter Lang. New York

Lamuedra Graván, María (2005) Readers, storyworlds and the popular public sphere: a comparative analysis of women’s magazines in Spain and the UK. Glasgow Caledonian University. PhD dissertation. ETHOS:

María Lamuedra, Concha Mateos Martín & Manuel A. Broullón-Lozano (2018) Normative and Audience Discourses on Public Service Journalism at a “Critical Juncture”: the Case of TVE in Spain, Journalism Studies, DOI: 10.1080/1461670X.2018.1528880


– Teoría del periodismo
– Políticas de comunicación y cambio social


– Sección I, Puerta 3
