Welcome to the Department of Organic Chemistry
The Department of Organic Chemistry of the University of Seville, whose headquarters are located in the Faculty of Chemistry, teaches several Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees in the Faculties of Chemistry, Biology, Physics, the Polytechnic School and the International Postgraduate School. It also participates in the Doctoral Program in Chemistry of the University of Seville.
The Department has a large number of Teaching and Research Staff who are supported in their work by Administration and Services staff and Laboratory Technicians. It also has a large number of researchers, both predoctoral and postdoctoral and visiting, who are organized into different Research Groups (FQM-263, BIO-135, FQM-345, FQM-308 y FQM-134).
The research activity of the Department is intense and of high quality, comprising leading lines of research in the field of Organic Chemistry related to bio-organic chemistry, biocatalysis, green chemistry, synthesis, structural determination and activity of biomolecules, catalysis and asymmetric synthesis, among others.

Research Groups
Latest news
Professor of our Department Gonzalo de Gonzalo Calvo recognized by Stanford University among the 2% of the best scientists in the world
Professor of our Department Gonzalo de Gonzalo Calvo recognized by Stanford University among the 2% of the best scientists in the world. https://www.us.es/actualidad-de-la-us/stanford-reconoce-117-investigadores-de-la-us-entre-el-2-de-los-mejores