Miguel Vázquez Liñán (English)


Dr. Miguel Vázquez Liñán is a lecturer in the Department of Journalism 1 at the University of Seville. His research interests lie in the interstices between Propaganda Theory, Memory Studies and Russian Studies. He coordinates the Research Group “Memory and Communication: the political uses of the past” and heads the “Eurasia Observatory”. He is the author of Historical memory and political propaganda in the Russian Federation (2017), Memoria histórica y propaganda. Una aproximación teórica al estudio comunicacional de la memoria [Historical memory and propaganda. A theoretical approach to the communicative study of memory] (with Salvador Leetoy, 2016), Modernization and Historical Memory in Russia: Two Sides of the Same Coin (2012), etc. For a complete list of publications, see: https://investigacion.us.es/sisius/sis_showpub.php?idpers=8164


Selected publications



– Teoría e Historia de la Propaganda
– Historia social de la comunicación


– Sección D, Puerta 8

Mail: mvazquez@us.es