Miguel Alcíbar Cuello (English)


Miguel Alcíbar is a professor of the Department of Journalism I, University of Seville. He graduated in Biology and holds a Doctorate in Communication. He has specialized in the complex relationships between technoscience and society. Likewise, his interests are in the social representations that media realize of scientific controversies, especially of those related to biomedical research.As a result he has spread his work in various congresses, articles in national and international journals, as well as books and book chapters. He has been the person in charge of the Department of Communication of the Centro de Astrobiología (CSIC-INTA), associated to NASA Astrobiology Institute, and located in Torrejón de Ardoz, Madrid, Spain.He coordinatestheresearchgroup Comunicación, Cultura y Ciencia (HUM 752).


Selected publications

– Periodismo científico y ambiental
– Bioética y transferencia del conocimiento
– Epistemología, teoría y metodología de la investigación en comunicación


– Sección D, Puerta 5

Mail: jalcibar@us.es