Seminario del Departamento de
Ecuaciones Diferenciales y Análisis Numérico
Fecha : 26 de abril de 2016
Hora  : 11:30
Lugar : Seminario del Departamento (Fac. de Matemáticas, 3a. planta, módulo 34)
Miloslav Feistauer
(Charles University in Prague, República Checa)
Analysis of the space-time DGM for nonstationary convection-diffusion problems
The lecture will be concerned with the numerical solution of nonstation- ary problems with nonlinear convection as well as diffusion by the space-time discontinuous Galerkin method (DGM). The time interval is split into subin-tervals and on each time level a different space mesh with hanging nodes may be used in general. In the discontinuous Galerkin formulation we use the nonsymmetric, symmetric or incomplete version of the discretization of the diffusion terms and interior and boundary penalty (i.e., NIPG, SIPG or IIPG versions). For the space and time discretization, piecewise polynomial approximations of different degrees p and q, respectively, are used. We assume that the diffusion coefficient depends on the sought solution, but we do not allow its degeneration. The abstract error estimate is derived with the use of the so-called discrete characteristic function. Under the assumption that the triangulations on all time levels are uniformly shape regular, and the exact solution has some regularity properties, error estimates are derived for the space-time DGM. The last part of the talk will be devoted to the analysis of the unconditional stability of the method. Results of some numerical experiments will be presented. The results were obtained in cooperation with M. Bal´azsov´a, J. ˇ Cesenek, M. Hadrava and A. Kos´ık.