In this study, the effect of local government policies on internal migration will be examined. This study has two interrelated aims: The first, to find the answer to the question of “What is the effect of local government policy components on internal migration?". The second is to gain insights into internal migration and local government policies and also to examine experiences in a developed country. After 2008, 3% to 3.5% of the total Turkey's population has steadily migrated When we compare internal migration rate of Turkey with other countries in the world it is quite high. In Spain, on the other hand, only 0.3% of the population emigrate. Istanbul and Andalusia are the regions with the highest population movement in their countries and also have the same pattern of population movement in 10 years. Despite of this fact, Andalusia has a similar migration movement ratio with worldwide but in Istanbul is well above the world average. Also, Istanbul and Andalusia are similar two locations about ratio of local government expenditure in GDP. Different population movements in two location with the same expenditure level will be examined. Thereby, novel policy mix is aimed to determined. Two methods will be used in the research. First, secondary data obtaining by IMF - COFOG and UNDESA database will be analyzed descriptively. Descriptive analysis includes comparative country statistics. Secondly, both in Turkey and Spain (Andalusia) primary data through surveys to be filled by resident will be collected in the region that most emigration. It is aimed to collect 1000 surveys for each region. Impact of local government policies on migration potential will be examined by using discrete choice models (Probit and/or Logit) with primary data. This study will create a source data set on the impact of local government policies on internal migration and fill the gap of relevant literature with various papers. The results of this research are directly related to policy makers due to the findings providing relationship between internal migration management and local government policies.
Zeynep Karal Önder

Tutora: Teresa Rojo