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The carotenoids

Carotenoids are very versatile and important metabolites that can be used as natural colorants, antioxidants, and as source of vitamin A, as well as functional ingredients. There are more than 1100 natural carotenoids investigated in more than 600 organisms, including algae, plants, fungi, bacteria, archaea and some arthropods. Today we know a lot about the presence of carotenoids in the foods we eat, and their influence on our health is well known. The antioxidant activities of carotenoids regulate oxidative stress and inflammatory mediators, thus protecting against neurodegenerative diseases (Alzheimer's, Parkinson's), cancer, metabolic syndromes and photo oxidative damage to the eyes and skin.

In 2020, the global carotenoids market value was estimated at approximately $1.7 billion and is expected to reach $2 billion by 2027, at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 3.4%. Furthermore, the European natural pigments market size is expected to reach a value of $2.18 billion by 2028 with an expected CAGR of 10.1% over the forecast period. The existence of a huge feed sector and a well-established cosmetics industry are the major drivers for the growth of the carotenoids market. In addition, carotenoids are also among the preferred food colorants in European markets, driven by (i) growing concern for synthetic carotenoids over natural carotenoids (with plants and microalgae as major sources); (ii) increased focus on consumption of natural/functional products; and (iii) increased demand for cosmetics and nutraceuticals.

Divulgation activities


Mercedes García González. IBVF-US.

Biotechnology for food biofortification
Manuel Rodríguez Concepción. IBMCP-CSIC.

Carotenoids and anti-obesity
Joan Ribot, M Luisa Bonet, Sebastià Galmés y Catalina Picó. UIB.

Carotenoids as environmental shield
Raquel Esteban y Unai Artetxe. UPV/EHU.

Carotenoids from marine algae
Ruperto Bermejo-Román y Mª Carmen Murillo-Cruz. UJA.

Carotenoid producing fungi
M. Carmen Limón y Javier Avalos. USBIO.

Biotechnological utilization of fucoxanthin: a strategy for the control of Rugulopteryx okamura
Nathalie Korbee y Félix L. Figueroa. IBYDA-UMA.

Carotenoids versatility and food safety
Ángeles Morón-Flores y Antonio Jesús Meléndez-Martínez. FAR-US.

Crocins (I)
Lourdes Gómez Gómez. UCLM.

The strigolactones
Juan Antonio López Ráez. EEZ-CSIC.

Red-fleshed oranges with high carotene content: color and health
Jaime Zacarías-García, Lorenzo Zacarías y Mª Jesús Rodrigo. IATA-CSIC.

Ángel Rodríguez de Lera. UVIGO.

Sterified carotenoids
Dámaso Hornero Méndez. IG-CSIC.
Vitamin A and Provitamin A. Where do we get them from and in what quantity do we Spaniards take them?
Begoña Olmedilla Alonso. ICTAN-CSIC.



In 2020, the coordinator of previous editions of the network, Manuel Rodríguez Concepción, wrote a book on carotenoids, with illustrations by his collaborator Ernesto Llamas, which was revised by all the members of the network. Aimed especially at school and high school students and written in a pleasant and didactic way, the book aims to provide basic information on carotenoids and their functions in nature, and to raise awareness of the advantages and beneficial properties that the consumption of foods rich in carotenoids has on health.
     Versions are available in Spanish, English, French, Italian, Catalan/Valencian, Galician, Basque, and Chinese:

       El mundo de los carotenoides
    The world of carotenoids
       Le monde des caroténoïdes
Il mondo dei carotenoidi
        El món dels carotenoides
       O mundo dos carotenoides
        Karotenoideen mundua




Lado J, Cronje P, Rodrigo MJ, Zacarías L (2016) La presencia de licopeno en la piel de los frutos  de pomelo incrementa la tolerancia a los daños por frío. Levante Agrícola, Especial Postcosecha, número 432, pp 152-167.

Lado J, Rodrigo MJ, Zacarías L (2016) Evaluación del papel del licopeno en la tolerancia a los daños por frío durante la conservación refrigerada de frutos de pomelo rojo. Revista del Laboratorio Tecnológico del Uruguay, INNOTEC 2016, 11, pp 47-53.

Olmedilla Alonso B (2022) Una dieta rica en frutas y hortalizas para ralentizar los problemas de visión. The Conversation, 17 marzo 2022.


Esteban R, Esteban Trerradillos (2022) Los carotenoides de las plantas y sus beneficios para la piel. The conversation. 7 de diciembre 2022.
Esteban R, Heres AM, San Miguel Oti F, Curiel Yuste J, Ruiz de Larrinaga L (2024) Medir las constantes vitales de los bosques en tiempo real para conservarlos y protegerlos. The conversation. 20 de marzo 2024.

M. Carmen Limón and US-BIO group

Exhibition "Carotenoids and health: Fungi that help us to avoid diseases". Participatory activity aimed at students from 10 to 12 years old. After an introductory talk, participants extracted carotenoids and separated them in a thin layer crhomatography. Organized as part of the European Researchers' Night, held in the courtyard of the Rectorate of the University of Seville. 29 September 2022.

M. Carmen Limón and US-BIO Group
Workshop "Carotenoids and health: Fungi that help us to avoid diseases". Activity aimed at all audiences. The benefits of eating foods rich in carotenoids to prevent diseases were explained. Participants extracted carotenoids from carrots and from a carotenoid superproducer of the fungus Fusarium fujikuroi, which they were able to see in cultures and under the microscope. Organized by the European Researchers' Night, in Plaza Nueva, Seville. September 29, 2023.

Workshop Sevilla

Raquel Esteban. UPV/EHU
Talk on September 26, 2023. Topic "Climate change and its impact on soil health and the plants we consume: Challenges and solutions for the present and future". Activity organized in the Session "Food and climate change". Colegio de Médicos de Bizkaia. Presential and broadcast via streaming. Announcement

Lourdes Gómez Gómez. UCLM
Topic: “Tomafrán: tomatoes with the best of saffron”. Project Hacemos Barrio (, January 2025.

M. Carmen Limón. US-BIO
A talk titled "Fungi as carotenoid producers". February 11, 2021. Delivered online to high school students of IES Fuentepiña (Huelva) on the occasion of the International Day of Women and Girls in Science.

Javier Avalos. US-BIO

Four one-hour talks. Title: "The carotenoids"
(two in December 2019, and two in October 2022).
Audience: 6th grade primary school students of CEIP Miramontes de Azuaga (Badajoz).

Juan Antonio López Ráez. EEZ-CSIC
In collaboration with his EEZ colleague Germán Tortosa Muñoz, they created the spanish comic page "Cuanto más color mejor" (The more color the better), shown below, within the series "Science in Comic".


CaRed in the media



Why do tomatoes turn red as they ripen?
  El Confidencial
(february 2016)
Mechanism that destroys or recycles defective proteins in plants.
  La Vanguardia
(january 2016)

Development of 'tomafrán'
  Periódico CLM
(march 2022)
  El Español / El Digital CLM
(july 2022)
  20 minutos
(july 2022)
  El debate (august 2022)
  Diario sanitario
(january 2024)
  Onda Cero
(january 2024)
(january 2024)
  UCLM Noticias
(january 2024)
  Revista Alimentos
(january 2024)
  CMM Noticias
(july 2024)
(july 2024)

Development of a new type of potato
  El Español / El Digital CLM
(march 2023)

Benefits of lutein consumption
(may 2024)

'Azafrin' biofactories
(july 2023)
Development of lettuce enriched in vitamin A
(september 2024)

Nutritional quality of wheat
  Fundación Descubre
(december 2023)

Beneficial effects of phytoene
  Newsweek (september 2024)
  El Confidencial (october 2024)


Development of lettuce enriched in vitamin A
Universitat Politècnica de València (september 2024)

CRAG-CSIC: Centre for Research in Agricultural Genomics, Barcelona (labotatory of the group of M. Rodríguez-Concepción in former CaRed editions)


The “golden lettuce” project wins the IV Research Award in Nutrition and Health of the Vicky Foods Foundation.
News on SER (January 2025)

"What is Tomafran?". Intervention of Lourdes Gómez in the Program 'Investiga que no es poco' (november 2023), Radio Castilla la Mancha.

¿What do I eat?" Intervention of Dámaso Hornero-Méndez in the Program '75 Minutes' (october 2016), Canal Sur Televisión.

Participation of Begoña Olmedilla Alonso in the program of Radio Nacional de España “Juntos paso a paso”, recorded at ICTAN on 4 July 2018 and broadcast on Saturday 7 july 2018. From minute 26:30 to 30:30 dedicated to carotenoids.


Canal Sur de Andalucía echoes the research carried out by the group of our colleague Juan Antonio López Raez at the Zaidín Experimental Station in Granada, which studies the role of strigolactones, hormones derived from carotenoids, in the formation of mycorrhizae.
(november 2023)

Antena 3 mentions in its news that 'tomafrán', a mixture of tomato and saffron, will help prevent Alzheimer's and other neurodegenerative diseases.
Antena3 Noticias
(may 2024)


¿Qué es el tomafrán?
(november 2023)