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September 2024 On September 5-6 CaRed organized the III National Meeting on Carotenoids at the University of Castilla-La Mancha at its Albacete campus

III Reunión Nacional de Carotenoides

Abstracts book
CaRed en Albacete
One of the oral presentations in the auditorium of the Multipurpose Building of the Biotechnology Degree of the campus

On February 27-28, the II Congress of the Valencian Association of Students and Professionals in Food Science and Technology was held at the University of Valencia. Alexander P. González-Arauz, Master student of Food Quality and Safety (UV), received the first prize in the Poster category for his work "Efecto de la desverdización en los daños por frío y el contenido de carotenoides en frutos de mandarina Orogrande" (authors, González-Arauz AP, Rodrigo MJ and Zacarías L).
     Alexander is supported by a scholarship from the
Secretaría de Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación (SENACYT) of Panama, and is currently doing his Master's work in the IATA-CSIC group under the direction of L. Zacarías and M.J. Rodrigo. Both his Master's degree and his coming PhD thesis are aimed at studying color and carotenoids in chilling injury in citrus fruit preservation.
Premio Alexander
The award winner together with other participants in the congress

Febrero  2024
On February 15, 2024, a Technical Conference on Citriculture was held at the Polytechnic University of Valencia, whose program is shown on the right. Network member Dr. Lorenzo Zacarías (IATA-CSIC) participated as a speaker.

Jornada Citricultura


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September 2024 On September 5, taking advantage of the organization of the III National Meeting on Carotenoids, CaRed members met to update future actions and collaborations

Reunión 2024
Participants at the meeting in the Multi-purpose Building
of the Biotechnology Degree of the campus

September 2023
On September 5 and 6, the first meeting of the network in its third edition was held at the Botanical Garden of Albacete.

On Tuesday 5th the 14 groups of the network described their research lines, and on Wednesday 5th an organizational meeting was held.

Foto 5 de septiembre
Participation of those attending the meeting in a tomato tasting organized by the Custodiando Semillas project at the Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería Agronómica y de Montes y Biotecnología.

Foto reunión segundo día
Participants at the organizational meeting on the second day

On May 18, the first meeting of the third edition of the network was held by telematic means, prior to the official launching of the network Reunión previa on line
Impromptu screen shot of the meeting


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On February 2, María Dolores Requena Ramírez defended her doctoral thesis "Development of strategies to modify the profile of carotenoids and their esters in wheat and tritordeum", with international mention.
     The thesis was carried out at the Institute of Sustainable Agriculture and the Institute of Fat of the CSIC, under the direction of Drs. Sergio G. Atienza Peñas, Dámaso Hornero Méndez and Cristina Rodríguez Suárez.

Thesis MDRR
The doctoral candidate with members of the examining committee and thesis supervisors


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On February 13, Juan Antonio López Ráez (EEZ-CSIC) gave a seminar at the Faculty of Pharmacy of the University of Seville, organized by Antonio J. Meléndez (FAR-US), on his work at the Zaidín Experimental Station in Granada. The title of the seminar was "Mycorrhizae and biotic stress".
Seminario Juan Antonio
Juan Antonio at the end of the seminar


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IV edition of the Vicky Foods Foundation Award for Nutrition and Health Research

The Vicky Foods Foundation awards the researcher Manuel Rodríguez Concepción, CSIC, for the development of “Golden Lettuce” with high provitamin A content.

Foundation link
Acto de premios Fundación