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PhD Student position in Chemical Engineering (University of Cantabria) - Departamento Ingeniería Química y Ambiental US

PhD Student position in Chemical Engineering (University of Cantabria)

The Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering of University of Cantabria is seeking a talented PhD candidate who will play a great contribution to the development of sustainable technologies for remediation of fluorinated substances of global concern. The PhD thesis will be performed in the framework of the project F2R ‘Sustainable remediation of PFAS and fluorinated refrigerants of global concern’ (PID2022-138028OB-I00). funded by the Spanish Research Agency. Project F2R is aimed at developing novel processes for the remediation of two families of very persistent man-made fluorinated chemicals, i.e., the per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) and the fluorinated hydrocarbon refrigerants (F-gases).

The PhD candidate will be part of the Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, and will be enrolled in the PhD program of Chemical Engineering, Energy and Processes at the UC. Professor Ane Urtiaga, and Dr. Gabriel Zarca (Associate professor) will have the academic supervision responsibility.


We are looking for an enthusiastic candidate capable of rapidly acquiring a degree of autonomy in the chemical engineering laboratory. Knowledge and skills in chemical engineering, water treatment and membrane separation processes are wished. Good writing and reporting skills in English is required.
To be eligible, candidates must hold a European Master degree in Chemical Engineering or equivalent giving access to a PhD doctorate program in the home institution.

Deadline: 30/November/2023

Contacts: Prof. Ane Urtiaga, Project PI urtiaga@unican.es; Dr. Gabriel Zarca, Project co-PI zarcag@unican.es

More information on the call

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